Over the last four years, I have sERVED OUR COMMUNITY AND LED OUR DISTRICT:

  • Building Partnerships between the school district, teachers and parents

  • Ensured a rapid return to a safe campus and normal student experience

  • Financial security with smart money management

  • Modernized classrooms across the district including science labs 

  • Completed Measure I projects to provide state of the art facilities for students

  • Mental health services for students

  • Partnerships with community organizations like CHOC to build student wellness centers

  • Bringing in mental health specialists to support our students who have trauma

  • Prioritize student and staff safety with law enforcement on each campus

  • Supporting curriculum - high quality academic programs and expanded quality CTE (Career Technical Education) options for our students. These award winning programs have continued to grow throughout the district over the last 4 years

  • Continued excellence in visual and performing arts including Academy of the Arts, choral, instrumental, visual and other performing arts

  • Expanded courses that feed into our local community colleges through certificate completion programs

  • Continued growth in innovative programs and electives for students such as Sports Broadcasting, esports, BEAST (Biology, Engineering, Arts, Science, and Technology), Cybersecuirty, Agriscience, Nursing, Veterinarian science pathways, Forensic Police and Fire Academy

  • Transparent curriculum development for state wide requirements including ethnic students involving multiple partners in the development including teachers, parents, students and administration.

  • On-going support for continued and sustainable professional development.

  • Brought in high quality cameras into the classrooms to offset learning loss for all students and prioritized technology (1:1 Chromebooks) so that FJUHSD has a seamless transition returning to normalcy.

I encourage you to go to our FJUHSD Website and the individual school websites for a comprehensive guide on how we are serving your students and community. 

With your support, I will continue to serve you, the FJUHSD community.